Can Shaming Be the Strongest Theft Deterrent

Shaming theft

Stopping theft can be done in many ways, but one of the best and most working old-fashioned methods is to publicly shame the guilty, whether they are taking something big from the store or something small; a crime is a crime.

But the question is, ‘Does exposing theft bring any change or not?’

If you think that making offenders face their communities could act as a powerful deterrent, then yes, you can be right. But this can also bring a number of cons as well. So, to make sure that we are making the right decision, it is essential to look at both sides of the coin.

Does Shaming Prevent Theft?

If we have a look at the past experiences of how people used to make shoplifters or other criminals learn their lesson, then the most common punishment was public shaming.

This method always shows a good result because it not only becomes a punishment for others but a great lesson for others who are planning to do such a deed.

It is very important to get a start and keep in mind that many stores have started displaying pictures or videos of shoplifters on social media or within the store itself to spread awareness.

The Benefits of Shaming Criminals in Public

Shaming Criminal in Public

Shaming criminals can not put them behind bars every time. Legal terms are very different and hard to understand for commoners, plus the decision of the police or the judge can vary on the type of crime.

But you can do one thing, and that is to make them viral so that all stores can alert themselves. Nowadays, the world is all about
social media, so why dont you take advantage of that?

Exposing the shoplifters to different websites that have a database or posting a picture or video of them online can work like a charm. This will not only be the best punishment for the one who’s guilty but also a warning for the one who is about to do the same thing.

Shamming will be a big blow to keep any person straight!

Let’s have a look at the plus points you can avail after shaming a shoplifter or criminal in public. 

  • A Waring for Others: When people will see the punishment or shaming, they’ll be less likely to try it themselves. 
  • Community Will Become Safer: When everyone is aware of who might be or is causing the trouble, they’ll take precautions and stay alert. 
  • Makes Offenders Own Up to Their Actions: After exposing them, they won’t be able to hide themselves from anyone. They will have to pay for the consequences.  
  • No Repetition in the Crime: After getting caught and shamed, the person will be an example for many. Others will think twice before trying to steal. 
  • Shop Owners Will Save Tons of Money: Exposing or shaming a person on social media or on different websites is absolutely free! Going through long legal battles will be quicker and cheaper; your money is important.
  • Business Will Regain Trust: Your customers will feel safer shopping in a store that is active in fighting for shoplifting. 
  • Will Encourage Buyers to Follow the Rules: If your store is following the law then it will also encourage the buyers to follow the rules. 
  • Creates Social Consequences: The fear of being embarrassed in public can be a strong reason not to steal from anyone. Of course, no one wants that. 

The Downside of Shaming

While shaming might seem like a great way to stop theft, it does come with its own set of problems. For starters, there’s the ethical dilemma: Is it really fair to publicly embarrass someone for a mistake they made, especially if it was just a one-time thing?

When a person’s image or actions are shared online, it can have lasting effects. They might struggle to find a job, rebuild their reputation, or even fit back into society. Plus, there’s always the risk of wrongly accusing someone.

Poor-quality security footage or hasty decisions can sometimes lead to innocent people being framed. The damage done to someone’s reputation in such cases can be almost impossible to undo.

Another issue is that public shaming may not affect everyone the same way. Some might be scared straight, while others might not care at all. In the worst cases, they could react aggressively, making things even worse.

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